The Independent Pauper

If you like to travel "off the beaten track", on your own, spending as much time as you wish at places you love, then stay with me at this blog. I'll be writing about my favorite way to travel, for its plain to me that not only am I a frugal cuss, I'm also pretty independent, too! Lots of Traveling Paupers are. It seems to come with the territory. You live so often by sheer determination, using your wits to get by, it becomes harder and harder to fall into the 'herd' mentaility most touring companies require.
But independent travel isn't for everybody. You may not be comfortable making your own travel arrangements, or addressing some of the trouble spots or problems that can arise from this type of travel. Don't beat yourself up for being a little bit dependent on others to help you plan and execute a trip. There is nothing to be ashamed of in that, at all. In fact, the vast majority of Paupers (and all travelers) use travel agents, a tour group or some other professional travel expertise in planning their trips and vacations.
But "flying by the seat of our pants" is a way of life for osme of us. So stay tuned!
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