City By City- Dublin

Dubliners love to chat it up, but if you need a real conversation starter, try the cost of living. Inflation ran wild in the 1990's pushing the price of The Irish Times to 1.60 euros and a cup of coffee was well over 2 euros. Dinner and drinks at a decent restaurant can exceed 40 euros a person. Here are some ways to save money in this Irish landmark city:
Cheap Eats
Italian wine bars are now highly popular, probably because they offer tasty dishes at good prices. Coming out on top is Dunne & Crecenzi on South Frederick St, where sprightly Italian waiters serve generous glasses of house wine for 3.50 euros and simple dishes like bruschetta for 5.90. Seek out the early-bird menus at most restaurants because for about about 30 euros, an amount you usually have to cough up for a single entree, you can get a sizable three course meal.
Cheap(er) Sleeps
Looking for something under 100 euros? Good luck! Youth hostels aside, it's very hard to check into a hotel around here for less than that. One exception is the Comfort Inn on Great Denmark St. ( where you get a basic room for 69 to 89 euros. Rates always jump at busy times, up to 199 euros on weekends and during big sporting events and concerts. Paupers might consider a short-term apartment from rental agencies pike Premeir Apartments (, which can get you a place for around 79 euros.
Cool Cultural Event
What the theatres in Dublin lack in big budget productions, they make up for in top notch acting and modest prices. Tickets are usually 30 euros or under, and Saturday matinees can drop to 15 euros. Lunch time plays at Bewley's Cafe Theatre on Grafton St. ( are charming at a cost of 14 euros which includes soup and a thick slice of brown bread.
Free Events
June to September, free outdoor movies are shown in the Temple Bar cultural district ( along with occasional circus and music concerts. You can also hop on a commuter train to Howth Head on Dublin Bay for 3.50 euros rountrip. You'll discover a beautiful hilltop view of the city and seaside cliffs. A 20 minute train ride in the opposite direction takes you to Dun Laoghaire, a harbor town that history buffs still call by its British name, Kingstown. Stroll along the mile long pier and watch the seals and porpoises surface.
Best Pauper Practices
Avoid taxis and drink beer. Cabs are expensive and it will cost you 4 euros just to flag one down and bartenders charge as much as 3.60 euros for a tiny 35 millimeter shot of Jameson. So put on your walking shoes and sip a glass of Guinness.
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