Pauper Travel

A blog dedicated to ultra-cheap travel. Based on my book "Travel Cheap-Travel Well!- Confessions Of A Travleing Pauper. You can learn how a Pauper travels like a King---all the time!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Independent Paupers Fly Cheap

"Flying by the seat of our pants" is a way of life for some of us.

Airline packages are a true godsend for Independent Paupers. Most airlines, big and tiny, domestic and international, offer packages. Go to airline websites to find out about package deals they offer. You can start here:AirlineDirectories

Do you know what an airline pass is? They're a bargain, that's what! These airline passes are always cheaper than airline tickets. For instance, British Air offers their Europe Airpass, good for travel to 100 cities. Cost? Around $90.--- with a 3-pass purchase minimum.


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