Pauper Travel

A blog dedicated to ultra-cheap travel. Based on my book "Travel Cheap-Travel Well!- Confessions Of A Travleing Pauper. You can learn how a Pauper travels like a King---all the time!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Feelings About Commercial Tour Operators

Some tour operators are experienced travelers who entered the business to put their happy knowledge, that they gained form actual travel, to profitable use. Others are 'desk-jockeys' who spent years assembling mountains of information. And, as with any business, a few are simply unqaulified, relying on un-tesed local contractors and shipping people to tour any destination for which they'll pay. Yet, most tour operators are an excellent source of information for the traveling Pauper.

Here's my advice: make a short list of what's important to you in touring a destination.
Then, have a conversation with the tour operators.

You'll find their ads in the travel section of major newspapers, magazines, special interest mags, on TV and in radio ads. Call their toll-free number with your trusty list in hand and make sure thay can provide you with what you want.


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1:11 AM  

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