City By City- Venice

If you're content to just wander the streets of this magical city and soak up the atmosphere Venice can be one of the cheapest places on earth. But if you just have to do things like sleep and eat-- it's not quite so cheap.
But we found a few ways to be cheapo Traveling Paupers in this very exotic city in Italy.
Do like the Venetians do and head for a local bacari, where finger food can take the place of lunch. Petenta with mixed cod, deep fried shrimp or toasted bread with salami will run you about 1-2 euros ($1.24-2.48) The italian tapas usually get swallowed with an ombra (shadow) or glass of white wine, starting at about a euro a glass.
One of the oldest is Cantina Do Mori, near the Rialto Bridge and lots of locals flock to Pizzeria Ae Oche on the Zattere facing the Giudecca Island.
Lodging For Paupers
There may be a way to do the math differtently but hotel prices go down to their proximity to Piazza San Marco. The offordable Hotel Martin in Santa Croce neighborhood, just across form the Grand Canal train station has no frills- like TV or Internet- but doubles go for just 95 euros a night. Before you decide check out for some wide-ranging choices including bed & breakfasts.
Cultural Deals
The 18 euro Museum Pass will get you into nine of Venice's civic museums including Doge's Palace and glass and lace museums on the islands of Murano and Burano. The Historic Regatta along the Grand Canal is a big event in September.
Free To-Do's For Paupers
The Parco Savorgnan, a public park behind the Palazzo Venier is a lovely oasis where you can wind down ofter all that bridge hopping! This city has been known for its blown glass since the Middle Ages, and the tradition continues on the island of Murano where you can visit several factories and watch the masters for free. For transportation use the so-called Venice Card, three to seven day tickets that lets you float freely around the lagoons and offers discounts on major exhibits. (