Getting A Good Pauper Deal On Hotels

If you're looking for a hotel, I like to start with
They have excellent worldwide coverage. One Pauper I know got a special weekend rate in Buenos Aires for $89. I experimented and made a call to the same hotel asking for the rate which they told me was $175. I really think the staff at the hotel is amazed by the rates we pull off at the website.
Another good site (and wise Paupers always check several options before booking- listen to my audio blogs below for tips on how to negotiate!) is TravelWeb.
This site was formed by a large hotel consortium and they offer rates at hundreds of cities around the world.
It pays to let SideStep pop up to cross check your prices. They recently found me a room at the Hampton Inn in Ecuador for $45....the rate at the front desk was over $120.
In my book: "Travel Cheap- Travel Well" I devoted an entire chapter to scoring the cheapest deals on rooms. I continue to say that hotel rooms are, by far, the most over inflated, highly outrageous, needlessly high end expenses on most tourists itineraries. But Paupers aren't tourists! We're too savvy to just call a hotel and make a blanket reservation. We always comparison shop and finally negotiate with the hotels. We know any room that is empty is lost inventory to these palaces. They will always fill as many rooms as they can, and for dirt cheap, rather than let them go un-used.