Pauper Travel

A blog dedicated to ultra-cheap travel. Based on my book "Travel Cheap-Travel Well!- Confessions Of A Travleing Pauper. You can learn how a Pauper travels like a King---all the time!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Other Chances To Make $$$ As A Traveling Pauper

We've looked at taking advantage of tax opportunities, the perfectly legal ones, and charity volunteering to save money traveling. Now, let's look at other ways to turn your travel into a dream income:

1. Call your local community newspaper and see if they would be interested in a local story or photo essay about your travel destination. Not only will you be able to write off expenses incurred on your trip but the paper will pay you for your work as a 'stringer'. You can also check out The Writers Market and The Photographers' Market books at your local library for other publications to sell your story.

2. When you travel you take pictures, right? Well, why not enter the best ones in a photo contest for great prizes, and in many cases, cold hardcash? Develop your photographer's eye by studying books on photographic composition and go for it. Click here to get our special report "9 Travel Photo Techniques"

3. You can put together a slide show, or multi-media travel presentation for local schools and organizations. Many groups have funds set aside to hire speakers for those who can present a compelling visual story to an audience. Just a couple of these presentations and you could pocket hundreds of dollars that ytuo can use for your next adventure.

4. Add your name to any local speakers group. They usually have a 'call list' of speakers for area organizations. Here again, you can present your trip to people who regularly pay for featured speakers.

5. Visit your local community college and see if you can present a class. They are always looking for someone who can structure a lesson plan to students. You could present a class about your trip through Europe, or How To Save Money In Italy, or What To Do When You Visit India. You don't have to have an advanced degree to teach a class, but you must develop a sense of authority about what you speak and teach.

6. Your local artist co-op can showcase your photos or paintings, watercolors, etc. If you have an artistic bent this is a great place to show it off. You can price the work competively and make extra money from your travels this way.

7. Don't forget about local merchants and restaurants that are looking for art to adorn their walls. You can usually strike a deal to loan the paintings and place a small price tag in the lower corner or a 'sell-sheet' at the reservations desk that cusotmers can take with them for possible purchases of your works. Libraries are usually open to placing a nice display of local artists work as well.

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