Protect Your Camera & Kill Stale Air

Have you noticed how small those digital cameras are becoming? Many of them don't come with a carrying case. I solve the problem by slipping that little Sony into one of my grandkids socks. A brightly colored or patterned one makes it easy to find in luggage or a backpack. Thieves aren't likely to snatch a single sock and flee with it either.
Ever check into a room that smelled like stale cigerrette smoke? Or perhaps it has another unpleasant odor about it. It gets worse if you're in a room where the windows don't open (andthtis happens lots of times, mostly for security issues) and even if you turn on the room fans, there's not much relief.
So, next time you leave the room, simply brew a pot of coffee and keep the fan running. It will circulate the air and the aroma of coffee will greet you when you return. A much more pleasant smell for your stay.