Pauper Secret Confession #16

Every so often in this blog Ill reveal one of the confessions from my book. This is #16:
Don't want to explore as part of a shore tour? Like doing it your way? Then our Pauper suggests you share a cab or bus with some other passengers to reduce costs.
And there is nothing wrong with going on foot. It's great exercise and more leisurely, not to mention much less costly, and our Pauper always slings a hobos' pole with a bag attached to the end with munchies from the on ship buffet for the trek.
You know what else? Our Pauper only puts "so much" cash in his money belt when he goes onshore. That way he doesn't get trapped into spending a bunch of mullah on silly items that catch his momentary fancy. You can't spend what you don't have. And if you get mugged, the thief won't clean you out!